
TwinModel.evaluate_step_by_step(step_size, inputs=None, field_inputs=None)#

Evaluate the twin model at time instant t plus a step size given inputs at time instant t.

Twin model evaluation must have been initialized before calling this evaluation method. For more information, see the pytwin.TwinModel.initialize_evaluation() method.


if field_inputs are supplied for a TBROM, they will override any input mode coefficient inputs for that ROM that are included in inputs.


Step size in seconds to reach the next time step. The value must be positive.

inputsdict (optional)

Dictionary of scalar input values ({“name”: value}) at time instant t. An input is not updated if the associated key is not found in the twin model’s input_names property. If values for inputs are not provided in the dictionary, their current values are kept.

field_inputsdict (optional)

Dictionary of input fields snapshots ({“tbromname”: {“inputfieldname”: snapshot}}) to use for twin model evaluation. snapshot may be a Numpy array, or string for path of snapshot file.


>>> from pytwin import TwinModel
>>> # Example 1 - Evaluate step by step with scalar inputs and scalar outputs
>>> twin_model = TwinModel(model_filepath='path_to_your_twin_model.twin')
>>> twin_model.initialize_evaluation()
>>> twin_model.evaluate_step_by_step(step_size=0.1, inputs={'input1': 1., 'input2': 2.})
>>> scalar_results = {'Time': twin_model.evaluation_time, 'Outputs': twin_model.outputs}
>>> # Example 2 - Evaluate step by step with field input from disk and field output to disk
>>> twin_model = TwinModel(model_filepath='path_to_your_twin_model.twin')
>>> twin_model.initialize_evaluation()
>>> romname = twin_model.tbrom_names[0]
>>> fieldname = twin_model.get_field_input_names(romname)[0]
>>> twin_model.evaluate_step_by_step(step_size=0.1, inputs={'input1': 1., 'input2': 2.},
>>>                                  field_inputs={romname: {fieldname:'path_to_the_snapshot.bin'}})
>>> field_output = twin_model.generate_snapshot(rom_name=romname, on_disk=True)
>>> field_results = {'Time': twin_model.evaluation_time, 'Field': field_output}
>>> # Example 3 - Evaluate step by step with field input from memory and field output in memory
>>> twin_model = TwinModel(model_filepath='path_to_your_twin_model.twin')
>>> twin_model.initialize_evaluation()
>>> romname = twin_model.tbrom_names[0]
>>> fieldname = twin_model.get_field_input_names(romname)[0]
>>> snapshot = np.array([3.14, 2.71, 9.81, 6.02])
>>> twin_model.evaluate_step_by_step(step_size=0.1, inputs={'input1': 1., 'input2': 2.},
>>>                                  field_inputs={romname: {fieldname:snapshot}})
>>> field_output = twin_model.generate_snapshot(rom_name=romname, on_disk=False)
>>> field_results = {'Time': twin_model.evaluation_time, 'Field': field_output}