
TwinModel.load_state(model_id, evaluation_time, epsilon=1e-08)#

Load a state that has been saved by a TwinModel instantiated with same .twin file. Calling this method replaces evaluation initialization.

model_id: str

This is the id of the model that saved the state.

evaluation_time: float

Evaluation time at which the state was saved.

epsilon: float

Absolute period that is added before and after evaluation time to account for round off error while searching the saved state. Search is performed in the interval [t-epsilon, t+epsilon] with t the evaluation time. First found saved state in this interval is loaded.


If no state has been saved by model with given model_id and same model name as the one calling this method.


>>> from pytwin import TwinModel
>>> # Instantiate a TwinModel, initialize it and evaluate it step by step until you want to save its state
>>> model1 = TwinModel('model.twin')
>>> model1.initialize_evaluation()
>>> model1.evaluate_step_by_step(step_size=0.1)
>>> model1.save_state()
>>> # Instantiate a new TwinModel with same twin file and load the saved state
>>> model2 = TwinModel('model.twin')
>>> model2.load_state(model_id=model1.id, evaluation_time=model1.evaluation_time)
>>> model2.evaluate_step_by_step(step_size=0.1)