User guide#

Anyone who wants to use PyTwin can import its Python modules and develop Python code to integrate and deploy Ansys Digital Twins Runtimes, as explained in API reference and demonstrated in Examples

Global settings#

By default, the logging is enabled with PyTwin at a level of INFO, and simulation output files will be generated in the %temp%/pytwin folder. You can change these global settings at anytime using the following functions:

>>> # Modify working directory:
>>> from pytwin import modify_pytwin_working_dir
>>> modify_pytwin_working_dir('path_to_new_working_dir', erase=False)

>>> # Redirect logging to a file in the working directory:
>>> from pytwin import modify_pytwin_logging, get_pytwin_log_file
>>> modify_pytwin_logging(new_option=PYTWIN_LOGGING_OPT_FILE, new_level=PYTWIN_LOG_DEBUG)
>>> print(get_pytwin_log_file())

>>> # Redirect pytwin package logging to the console:
>>> from pytwin import modify_pytwin_logging, PYTWIN_LOGGING_OPT_CONSOLE
>>> modify_pytwin_logging(PYTWIN_LOGGING_OPT_CONSOLE)

>>> # Disable pytwin package logging:
>>> from pytwin import modify_pytwin_logging, PYTWIN_LOGGING_OPT_NOLOGGING
>>> modify_pytwin_logging(PYTWIN_LOGGING_OPT_NOLOGGING)

See Global Settings for more information on the APIs available