.. _getting_started: =============== Getting started =============== PyTwin provides Pythonic access to twin runtimes that were generated using `Ansys Twin Builder `_ and `Ansys TwinAI `_. PyTwin supports twin runtimes generated using 2023 R1 and later. Licensing requirements ---------------------- For twin runtimes generated with 2023 R1, the Ansys License Manager must have a license file with the ``twin_builder_deployer`` feature available to use PyTwin. For twin runtimes generated with 2023 R1 SP1 and later versions: - if the TWIN file is exported as 'licensed', the Ansys License Manager must have a license file with the ``twin_runtime`` feature available to use PyTwin. - if the TWIN file is exported as 'unlicensed', no license is needed to use PyTwin Both the features ``twin_builder_deployer`` and ``twin_runtime`` are included in the TwinAI license file. Here is how you define the environment variable for specifying the location of Ansys License Manager: .. code:: ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE={PORT_NUMBER}@{SERVER_NAME} Twin runtime dependencies ------------------------- The ``pytwin`` package allows you to execute deployment workflows based on TWIN files generated by `Ansys Twin Builder `_. TWIN files are generally made up of several types of models, including system-level models, ROMs (reduced order models), third-party models, and FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit) files. Each of these models can have specific runtime dependencies. For example, Modelica models cross-compiled with TwinAI on Ubuntu 20.04 have a dependency on libgfortran5. When executing twin runtimes through PyTwin on a specific environment, all dependencies of the twin runtimes, including the ones of their constitutive models, must be properly installed and made available in that environment. Install the package ------------------- The ``pytwin`` package supports Python 3.9 through Python 3.12 on Windows and Linux. Install the latest release from `PyPi `_ with this command: .. code:: pip install pytwin If you plan on doing local *development* of PyTwin with Git, install the latest release with this code: .. code:: git clone https://github.com/ansys/pytwin.git cd pytwin pip install pip -U pip install -e . Any changes that you make locally are reflected in your setup after you restart the Python kernel. Additional PyAnsys libraries ----------------------------- You can install and use these additional PyAnsys libraries: - `PyAEDT `_, which provides access to Ansys Twin Builder for model creation and the generation of twin runtimes.