.. _ref_index_api_sdk: Twin runtimes ============= The :class:`TwinRuntime >> from pytwin import TwinRuntime, download_file >>> twin_file = download_file("CoupledClutches_23R1_other.twin", "twin_files") >>> twin_runtime = TwinRuntime(twin_file) # Load the Runtime >>> twin_runtime.print_model_info(max_var_to_print=10) # Print twin information ------------------------------------- Model Info ------------------------------------- Twin Runtime Version: Model Name: CoupledClutchesTwin Number of outputs: 3 Number of Inputs: 4 Number of parameters: 3 Default time end: 1.5 Default step size: 0.001 Default tolerance(Integration Accuracy): 0.0001 Output names: Name Type ... Nominal Description 0 Clutch1_torque Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED 1 Clutch2_torque Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED 2 Clutch3_torque Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED [3 rows x 9 columns] Input names: Name Type ... Nominal Description 0 Clutch1_in Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED 1 Clutch2_in Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED 2 Clutch3_in Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED 3 Torque_in Real ... 1.0 TWIN_VARPROP_NOTDEFINED [4 rows x 9 columns] Parameter names: Name ... Description 0 solver.method ... Solver integration method (ADAMS=1, BDF=2) 1 solver.abstol ... Solver absolute tolerance 2 solver.reltol ... Solver relative tolerance [3 rows x 9 columns] >>> twin_runtime.twin_instantiate() # Instantiate the Runtime >>> twin_runtime.twin_initialize() # Initialize the twin simulation >>> print(twin_runtime.twin_get_outputs()) # Collect and print initial output values [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> twin_runtime.twin_simulate(0.001) # Simulate the twin until the end time >>> twin_runtime.twin_close() # Close the Runtime